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Vedic Symbol of the Universe, Part 1 (of 6), The Horse as an example in the Gnostic Circle application, The Vishaal Newsletter, Volume 7 No 5, December 1992.

‘The Gnostic Circle is the combination of two divisions of the 360° circle – into 9 and 12 parts superimposed. The former are the 9 orbits extending from the 0/Sun. The 12-part division is the circle of the ecliptic, or the horizontal base of the 12 zodiacal signs… The essential difference between the Gnostic Circle and traditional astrology is thus the vision of wholeness it inspires. In traditional astrology the signs are taken as separate stages and are usually viewed linearly, or disconnected from each other.’

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Simultaneity, Destiny and ‘The Magical Carousel’, Parts 1-9, February 2007.

‘…The horoscope – which is the condition of the heavens converging on an individual born on Earth at a particular isolated moment – is not simply uni-dimensional; that is, a flat horizontal plane like the first floor plan of the Mother’s Chamber. Contained within that singular moment frozen in time through the infant’s first breath is a vertical dimension. That vertical element is how imprinting is done; when it meets the breath of the infant through which it makes contact on the material plane, localised in that frozen moment and stamped on the aether…’

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Thea, The Vedic Altar Updated: An Essay in Twelve Parts, No 3, September – October 2012.

‘The descent of Vishnu’s 9th Avatar has been played out according to a precise formula. Sri Aurobindo was assiduously engaged in rendering it applicable over the final years of his sojourn on this planet. It consists of the numbers 9/6/3/0. As an indication of its importance, he enshrined it in his own symbol in the central square known as the Lotus of the Avatar. In it we find an arrangement of 9 and 6 petals in the descending order, resting on 3 leaves…’

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Thea, THE THIRD WAY on Conscious Evolution, 30 June 2004.

A Great Sleep moved across the globe centuries ago, Thea explains; it overtook the East as well as West. Wisemen understood what was to come and they did their best to preserve the WORD. In the East the compilation became known as the Veda; in the West, the preservation, for reasons unknown, were in stone. ‘The mysterious sphinx was installed as a companion to the mighty Pyramid; it was necessary to leave a sample of the language of the celestial harmonies…’

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Thea, Culture and Cosmos – 2, Part 3.2, Cosmic Harmonies in Hindu Civilization and Society, Volume 6 No 4, October 1991.

Thea continues the above article on ‘the uniqueness of the Indian Nationalism’ by describing Mother India as ‘a creation on Earth of the Cosmic Truth, or more precisely, it is a portion of the Earth upon and through which that Truth is given physical consciousness expression…’ . This is the basis for Caste as seen by the Ancient Fathers, and described in the Veda.

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Thea, Culture and Cosmos – 2, Part 3.1, Cosmic Harmonies in Hindu Civilization and Society, Volume 6 No 3, August 1991.

‘Essential to an understanding of how this degeneration came to pass is the question of exactly what was lost in the vision and expression of the Chaturvarna… no historian or authority on Hindu civilisation has really been able to pinpoint this failing. Indeed, had it been possible to do so, the decline would have been arrested and the aspired reestablishment of the Dharma would have already taken place. Therefore, a fundamental, central feature of this analysis is that lost element in the perception which alone could hold the system together. This was the all-embracing vision of the Cosmic Truth which in ancient times provided the unifying factor. All expressions of the Dharma could be found related to that Cosmic Truth – or the true perception of the cosmic harmony, and, above all, its divine Maya or Measure, as the means to give effective expression in the society to that Truth…’

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Thea, Puranic Cosmology Updated no 5, 20 February – 22 June, 2010.

‘… somehow India was able to maintain that enduring sense of Bharat throughout (the ages), even in the midst of foreign rule such as the Raj. Our nationalists will argue that it was Hinduism that provided an underlying unifying force throughout the area. This is certainly true; but today we demand more than a devotional sanction. There must be factual cosmological proof that this was and is so…The new Indo-Centric Cosmology does just that.’

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Thea, The Nehrus: A Phenomenon of India’s New Cosmology, The Vishaal Newsletter, Volume 0 No 1, October 1985.

A new Indocentric cosmology is evolving, not as an abstract or theoretical exercise, but a real and living experience. There have been two ‘channels’ used to express this development which made it possible for the Indian Nation to take its place as the centre of this 9th Manifestation of the Earth – the Solar and Lunar Lines.
Ancient India has ways had Solar and Lunar Dynasties, but Thea states this current time in which we live, requires something very different. Elsewhere Thea has discussed the ‘Solar Line’; in this article she introduces the ‘Lunar Line’ and their contribution to ‘rooting the Truth Consciousness’ in the Earth. Both Lines appeared simultaneously and both had a work to do in creating a solid foundation for the new nation (see Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way 1, Ch 10).

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The Third Way on Conscious Evolution, 30 June 2004

A Great Sleep moved across the globe centuries ago, Thea explains; it overtook the East as well as West. Wisemen understood what was to come and they did their best to preserve the WORD. In the East the compilation became known as the Veda; in the West, the preservation, for reasons unknown, were in stone. ‘The mysterious sphinx was installed as a companion to the mighty Pyramid; it was necessary to leave a sample of the language of the celestial harmonies…’

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