An Indocentric Cosmology:
Science Of The Sacred
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea) was working as a professional astrologer in Rome in the late sixties when she began an in-depth study of this ancient science. This confirmed her belief that astrology had little to do with ‘forecasting and prediction’ but was first and foremost, ‘a path of higher knowledge’. In January 1971, while still in Rome, Thea began an intense nine month experience with the Mother (of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry India) which she calls an ‘initiation’, and by 29 September, she arrived in India and could state: ‘I found myself at the Mother’s feet’. During the years before the Mother’s passing in 1973, Thea absorbed from her certain ‘keys of higher knowledge’ which allowed her to formulate an Indocentric Cosmology, ‘first of its kind, since the Puranic Age’.
Why is this important?
What are the main components of this cosmology?

Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea)
(1938 – 2016)
In the course of her intense yogic life in India Thea answered these questions in full detail, over and over. While in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and later at her own Centre in the Palani Hills of South India, in a series of books and articles, through blogs and websites, exhibitions and conferences, she poured forth to students and friends the knowledge that became the foundation for her Indocentric Cosmology.
On 10 January 2016, nine months before her passing, she sent a ‘message’ to her students: ‘We have something truly important to offer: the only existing Indocentric Cosmology, that is its own science: it proves itself’.
We must explain, she added, the difference between Eurocentrism, which is all the Earth has ever known, and Indocentrism. This is important because in doing so, you get to the real meaning of the ‘Sanatana Dharma’.
She warned that the anti-Dharmic forces are now facing their last threat, they are fighting with full strength to keep the Old World alive and operating. Here is the core of what needs to be exposed, she explained:
‘Indocentrism is the opposite of Eurocentrism in both the means to an end and the goal itself. It is founded on knowledge, not might; it creates and does not destroy; it does not need to tear down in order to rise. Its strategy and purpose is to create the proper ‘field’ for the Sanatana Dharma to flourish’.
Thea called this knowledge, ‘The Science of the Sacred’ (Thea, Indocentrism amidst the detritus of a dying Eurocentrism, 2016).
In the Service of Truth,
Patricia Heidt, PhD,
Aeon Centre of Cosmology
Phone: +91 92453 96316
In this updated Website, the reader will find that knowledge. Each Theme is organised by an introduction to a particular component of Indocentrism, and followed by references to Thea’s books and articles for perusal and study.
Theme One, Introduction to Indocentric Cosmology:
The Map of the 12 Manifestations, based on the Precessional movement of the Earth, is one of the primary keys of Knowledge of Thea’s New Way – each section of 6480 years is called a ‘manifestation’. Our current 9th Manifestation, beginning in 234 BCE, Age of Pisces, is the time for the ‘unveiling of the truth–consciousness’ – we are living in the Satya Yuga. During this momentous epoch, India is the cosmological Centre of the Earth.
Theme Two, The Evolutionary Avatar, Backbone of the Sanatana Dharma:
Thea’s Map of the 12 Manifestations is a record of the appearance of the ‘evolutionary avatar’ who comes ‘yuge-yuge’. Sri Aurobindo, not the Buddha, is that special messenger for this Manifestation. He and his Solar Line, assist us during this period of transition as Earth evolves from the realm of Mental consciousness into that of the Supramental. And exactly on time, in 1926, just as the Age of Aquarius began, the Sphinx emerged from the covering mounds of sand to reveal ‘the secret’.
Theme Three, Partition of India:
Thea is the only person who has offered a cosmological proof for her assertion that India is and always has been ‘Akhand Bharat, i.e. ‘whole, undivided India’. This great nation has been weakened however by losing connection with her cosmic roots, leading to ‘partition’ in 1947. When the cause of the problem is understood, and her ancient wisdom is updated and applied to our contemporary age, India’s renewal will surely be accelerated.
Theme four, Chaturvarna in the Veda and the Circle:
The Rig Vedic verses (Purush Sukta, RV 10.90.11–12) make it clear that the Rishis did not see Caste as hierarchical, (‘When they divided Purush, how many portions did they make?’); the divisions were based on ‘function’. These four ‘portions’ of Purush were modelled on the four-fold cosmic harmonies, the four Cardinal pillars of our planet’s journey around the Sun, which most ancient societies honored. The current state of ‘Castism’ describes the state of decline, over many generations, when the cosmic key is lost, when ‘a great sleep’ descended across the entire globe, East as well as West.
Theme Five, the Unifying Power of Number:
It is through the world of number and symbol that we are to approach the Divine. Number Power is our ‘vahana’, our ‘carrier’ to the other side, to the Trinity of the 9 (the Transcendent Divine), the 6 (the Cosmic Divine) and the 3 (the Individual Divine). Science does not acknowledge the other side; it has confined itself with no access to the yogic powers that enable one to reach that dimension. It seeks a ‘theory of everything’, but denies half of reality.
The 9, 6 and 3 is a ‘seed’ of TIME-consciousness, (or three aspects of Time compressed into the Seed) which ‘contracts’ and involves, descending into the 0 womb (0 point) of the earth. There a reversal takes place and the ‘seed’ then extends or evolves as ‘the 1’. TIME – consciousness rolls itself out, and it is marked through our CALENDAR. Thea reverses the accepted ‘theory of space-time’ stating it as a ‘formula’ – 9/6/3/0-1, or as a new theory of Time-Space: ‘There are three aspects of Time, and one point of Space.’
Theme Six, the Gnostic Circle:
A new language of unity asserts the importance of the Mother’s declaration about the descent of the Supramental Consciousness in 1956: ‘There is a new world being born, it is not the old world transformed, it is a new world’. Eurocentrism is over; a true cosmic harmony is being unveiled, and it is Indocentric. The home of the new and luminous creation will be the Earth and it is India’s destiny to introduce and nurture that new ‘seed’, often called, ‘the new world order’. Thea’s Gnostic Circle is the vision and the symbol that is the foundation for an emerging new language of unity.
Theme seven, the Mother’s Chamber of her Temple:
The building now standing in Auroville is a ‘shadow Temple’, i.e., the architects in charge of the construction were unable to understand the profundity of the Mother’s vision of the inner Chamber, and they dismantled the entire plan. Thea deciphered the sacred architectural plan which the Mother ‘saw’ in the subtle plane; in 2003 she established the Matrimandir Action Committee to ‘expose the falsehood surrounding the constructed Matrimandir’.
Theme eight, Ganga, Soul of India – her Descent to Earth:
The myth of Ganga’s descent from the heavens to Earth, alighting first on Shiva’s matted locks so as to mitigate the impact, is not just a quaint tale or superstition; it is rather ‘the repository of the most comprehensive knowledge of the cosmos and its relation to planet Earth to be found in the store of myths the world over’.
Theme Nine, India as Mount Meru, ‘axis of the Earth’:
The Human race, at this level of evolution has a limitation that Thea calls ‘a binary construct‘, that is, there is a void at the centre of the being and the ego with its sex centre and atavisims commands the place of the soul and its ‘higher purpose’. But there is ‘a new way’ forward. The ‘Churning of the cosmic ocean‘ in this 9th manifestation reveals the purpose of the species has changed: a unitary component has been introduced with a Divine Purpose at its core.
Theme 10 – Defining Hinduism
The verses of the Atharvaveda clearly show the early Vedic realisation, their alignment toward the Mysterious One, the Axis Mundi. The Divine Architect, Vishwakarma fashioned the nation and her people to his image and they made the choice to live for that ‘Support’ alone.
Theme 11 – Planet Earth, in the Age of Aquarius
With the rise of a Gnostic Society that sees and realises the collective soul which embodies the spirit of the new Age of Aquarius, a unique turn is taken in the destiny of the evolving Earth consciousness. For the first time in recorded history, the Earth emerges as a conscious entity and an individualised element in our Solar System. In many systems of cosmology, in the past, the planet’s destiny has been distored, or veiled. The function of the new collectivity then is to serve as instruments through which the Earth can manifest her own Light, her deepest truth.
Theme 12 – One Journey, One Calendar
In all enlightened societies of the past, great stress was put upon the development of accurate calendars, for ‘they were known to be the principal means of regulating the collective consciousness and orienting it toward a common ideal and goal.’ Today the calendar also plays a central role…and the one in use now throughout the world is the Universal Calendar…’Hence we know the time has come for a collective consciousness to step forward that has a universal nature and embraces the entire Earth…’ (Thea, The New Way 1, p. 95)